Join us Sunday at 10:30 am
Welcome to Calvary
Jesus made a profound statement about himself in John 12:32, he said, "When I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
Here at Calvary Assembly we believe in what Jesus said. We seek to lift Jesus up by loving God deeply, valuing all people and seeking to reaching the world with the grace and truth that Jesus freely offers all.
Here at Calvary Assembly we believe in what Jesus said. We seek to lift Jesus up by loving God deeply, valuing all people and seeking to reaching the world with the grace and truth that Jesus freely offers all.

At Calvary we desire to:

Love God
According to the words of Jesus in Mark 12:30, to love God is our highest calling and pursuit in life! And in order to do this, we must first know and experience the love of God personally. At Calvary, we preach and teach the beautiful, matchless love of God that is extended to every person!

Value People
Each and every individual has been carefully and purposefully created by God. With this truth in mind, we choose to make people our top priority! We strive to do this by embracing one another with open arms, a welcoming atmosphere, and the understanding that we are all on this journey together.

Reach the World
Here at Calvary, we realize that there are many people who have not yet heard and received the good news about God’s love. We make it our goal to spread the message far and wide by any means we can. This includes praying fervently, giving generously, and boldly sharing our faith with those who are around us.
Times & Location
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School -9:30 am
Sunday Service -10:30 am
Children's Church - 10:30 am
Sunday Service -10:30 am
Children's Church - 10:30 am
Wednesday Nights
7:00 pm – Adult Bible Classes
7:00 pm – Boys & Girls Clubs
(Girls Ministries & Royal Rangers)
7:00 pm – Boys & Girls Clubs
(Girls Ministries & Royal Rangers)